scent therapy
botanical room scents

contemporary aromatherapy
1331 scents take you away to a calm place, where the stress of daily life is forgotten and replaced with a mindful state of peace.
"outstanding quality and amazing scents. I buy it for all my friends and everybody loves them" sarah
" as a psychologist I'm positively surprised how much it helps my clients to relax and connect." thomas
"SHINRIN YOKU before meetings and CLOUD before bed. It changes the atmosphere compleatly." lena
shinrin yoku
forest healing- reconnect with nature
Shinrin- Yoku comes from the japanese term of ‘forest bathing’. In order to keep yourself healthy or recover, japanese doctors can prescribe 'shinrin yoku' - walking in the woods. The essential oils released by the trees are part of the calming and recharging effects on our bodies and minds.
shinrin yoku - forest bathing
We extracted high quality essential oils to give you these benefits when you are not able to walk the woods. Delivering parts of the healing forest to your home and workspace. This essential oil blend is also known to clear the air.
shinrin yoku - forest bathing
Try this earthy blend to get rid of anxiety and negativity, clear air & mind to fully recharge with the help of nature. Or simply use it if you love the smell as much as we do!
odour fighting ninja
gift good mood
digital love